Access and navigate evalink analytics

Subscribing and using evalink analytics


As an Alarm Receiving Center (ARC) administrator, I want to easily review the performance of my team and monitor my day-to-day operations.


evalink analytics is an add-on service that you can enable in your evalink talos tenant. It gives you access to a read-only instance of your tenant's database, which allows you to visualize any metric that is important for your operations.

evalink analytics dashboard
evalink analytics dashboard

In your evalink talos tenant, navigate to Company > Settings > Subscription (direct link: )
Under the 'Addons' you will find the option for evalink analytics. Click on the Subscribe button to enable the feature.

evalink analytics subscription

From the evalink landing page (Dashboard view), click on the Open Analytics button inside the "Incoming Alarms" pane.

open evalink analytics

You are now in the new environment of evalink analytics. At first, you see the default dashboard with a lot of useful information about your tenant.

  You can navigate between your available dashboards using the menu on the left.
  Click on the dashboards icon and select "Browse" (see image below).

evalink analytics module is based on Grafana.
With basic SQL queries you can create your own panels and add them in your dashboards. Our support team can assist you in understanding the evalink talos database scheme.