Failed to export PDF in evalink talos

In this article, we are going to explain how a Windows OS setting can affect the PDF export in evalink talos and how you can fix this issue.
Problem description
When you try to export a PDF report in evalink talos and you see a message "Failed to export XXXX.pdf" (screenshot bellow), most probably your Internet browser can not resolve the Time Zone of your computer.
You can verify that Google Chrome can not resolve the TimeZone from your computer by running the following command in the Chrome's console:
- Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().timeZone
The correct reply should be something like "Europe/Zurich" and not "undefined" .
Go to your System's settings --> Time & Language --> Date & Time and enable the settings:
- Set time automatically
- Set time zone automatically
You can verify the fix by running again the following command in your Chrome's console:
- Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().timeZone