Using multiple Virtual Receivers in one Site in evalink talos

Different Workflows for Multiple Receivers under one Site in evalink talos

In this article, we are going to describe how to distinguish between multiple receivers within one site and execute a different workflow for every alarm triggered by each receiver.


If several transmitters of the same type are connected to a site, you can process alarms that arrive from each transmitter according to a separate workflow.

To configure transmitter-specific alarm processing:

1.     On the Workflows page of the site, create a workflow

2.     In the Incoming Alarm area of the workflow editor, click the Add Condition button and set the workflow conditions as follows:
  1. Alarm code: [alarm code], for example, 110
  2. Alarm header: x-receiver is [receiver_type:property].

In the above example, x-receiver is dc09:39666064, where dc09 means we use a DC-09 receiver and 39666064 is the 'Dc09 Account' value from the corresponding site-level integration page.

3.     Configure further steps of the workflow as desired and save the workflow. All incoming alarms from this particular transmitter will be processed by this workflow.

Below you can find some other examples of receivers and what information is relevant for them.

- For a Frontel-GI receiver, you need the Frontel GI Server ID and the Account Number:
  1. frontel-gi-receiver:[Frontel GI Server ID/Frontel GI Account Number]


- For a TNA device, you need the MAC address, written without colons:
  1. tna:[MAC]
e.g.: tna:080064AABBCC

- For a VdS receiver, you need the VdS ID:
  1. vds:[VDS ID]
e.g.: vds:97518081